Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Continuing on the Halloween theme. I suppose from time to time (vampires) - who else can be more prominent than the Count himself - probably have urge to have a chicken. Imagine a situation where a Chicken is contemplating the question of his lifetime - Why should I cross the road. Well, the Count comes along drooling and the chicken without hesitation realizes the answer to the question. Thankfully the street lights are very powerful!! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Waking Dead!!

Yes, it's a twist on "Walking Dead!!". Trying to go with the Halloween Theme. I realize the probability is high that we have a zombie who doesn't really wanna get out of bed and go for the daily work of looking for brains!! And when you can't find a nice flower bed, a sheet of flowers work as well, however it seems alarm clock in middle of the night is not helping. I suppose anybody who wakes up at 3 am probably feels like this too!! So take your pick :)