Monday, May 12, 2014

Mexican Standoff!!

Definition (from wikipedia): A Mexican standoff is most precisely a confrontation among three opponents armed with guns. The tactics for such a confrontation are substantially different from those for a duel, where the first to shoot has the advantage. In a confrontation among three mutually hostile participants, the first to shoot is at a tactical disadvantage. If opponent A shoots opponent B, then while so occupied, opponent C can shoot A, thus winning the conflict. Since it is the second opponent to shoot that has the advantage, no one wants to go first
Our most famous standoff is happening with Rock, Paper and Scissor going at it. Also who can forget the most famous scene from "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly". Of course the man with no name has rigged the game!! :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Revenge of the Si(x)th!!

I heard this phrase somewhere... can't remember.... Anyways it was Star wars day (May the 4th be with you.. do i hear lisping?) ... Followed by lots of tequila commemorating Cinco de Mayo... .. The Si(x)th shall rise and take its revenge.. (beware the hangover)
Enjoy responsibly!! :)

Friday, May 2, 2014

Alliterative Haiku - Truce!!

Here's my attempt at describing the scene in an alliterative Haiku titled "Truce!"

Temporary Truce
Twisted Tails Tells Tall Tales
Terrified Tattler!!

Please comment with your interpretation or haikus!! :)